Enthusiast Motor Insurance

Past Cars & Coffee Events around Australia
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Past Events in New South Wales

See next event list on the Cars & Coffee Hub page

Earlwood: March 2024 : Feature Car images coming

St Ives : December 2023 – No feature car at this event

Penrith : September 2023 The feature car was Terry’s Nissan GT-R 34 N1 VSPEC I 

Smithfield : April 2023 : No feature car at this event


Terry’s Nissan GT-R 34 N1 VSPEC I – Feature car at the Penrith event 


Past Events in Victoria

See next event list on the Cars & Coffee Hub page

Melbourne: October 2023 – No feature car at this event

Bundoora : December 2023 :

Two feature cars at this event 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe and a 1981 Ford XD falcon



1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe

1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe Feature car at the Bundoora event in Melbourne in February 2024

Past Events in Queensland

See next event list on the Cars & Coffee Hub page

Brisbane: November 2023  The Feature car was a 52 Chevy 3100 pick-up truck

Brisbane: April 2024  The Feature car was a 


52 Chevy 3100 pick-up truck at Cars & Coffee

52 Chevy 3100 pick-up truck Feature car at the Brisbane event in

Past Events in South Australia

See next event list on the Cars & Coffee Hub page

Adelaide: January 2024 – Our favourite car at this event 1975 Ford CB John Goss Special

1975 Ford XB John Goss Special

Past Events in Canberra

No past events

See next event list on the Cars & Coffee Hub page




Past Events in Western Australia

No past events

See next event list on the Cars & Coffee Hub page

Upcoming event confirmed for 23rd June, 2024




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Based here, only with expert Australian staff

Because you love something a little unconventional, insurers will label, judge, and pigeon-hole you.

Stuff that.

Enthusiasts understand other enthusiasts. We appreciate the same things. No BS, no hard sell, no overseas call centres. We’re just Aussies who love cars as much as you do.

We get it done, keep our word, and get you on the road. So you can hang out with people who get you.