Enthusiast Motor Insurance

Rules for Importing Cars Into Australia – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Look back 30 years through the eyes of anyone wanting to privately import a car to Australia and you will find a confusion of rules, requirements and prohibitions existing at Federal and State levels. At one stage there were seemingly no rules at all. The Northern Territory and ACT both welcomed cars of foreign manufacture […]

A Guide to Driving in Icy Conditions – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

When thinking about the arduous driving conditions that Australians encounter we might visualise narrow rural roads or the dust and corrugations in the Outback. But how about the many kilometres of Aussie roads affected every year by ice and even snow? June to October is Australia’s ski season and each year tens of thousands of […]

Muscle Car – 1971 Ford Falcon GTHO Phase 3 – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

It isn’t often that a car of any kind makes the evening news or gets several minutes of coverage on a range of current affairs programmes. However, it also isn’t every day that a car made in Australia sells for more than $1 million ($1,030,000 to be exact) or comes with fascinating history including links […]

Salvage Rights Car Insurance – Enthusiast

The worst has just happened. Through no fault of your own the car you have washed, polished and cherished has been damaged and because parts are hard to find your insurer isn’t prepared to repair it. Worse still, if you want to chase down those parts and have the car repaired yourself, you need to […]