Enthusiast Motor Insurance

History of.. Holden Monaro July 1968 – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

During its first decade as a motor vehicle manufacturer, Holden built cars that appealed to a conservative market; cars that had a lot in common with the reserved, frugal and practical people who bought them. Then the 1960s dawned and Holden began to move with changing times. First came the luxury of the leather-trimmed Premier, […]

A Guide to Driving in Icy Conditions – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

When thinking about the arduous driving conditions that Australians encounter we might visualise narrow rural roads or the dust and corrugations in the Outback. But how about the many kilometres of Aussie roads affected every year by ice and even snow? June to October is Australia’s ski season and each year tens of thousands of […]

Muscle Car – 1971 Ford Falcon GTHO Phase 3 – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

It isn’t often that a car of any kind makes the evening news or gets several minutes of coverage on a range of current affairs programmes. However, it also isn’t every day that a car made in Australia sells for more than $1 million ($1,030,000 to be exact) or comes with fascinating history including links […]

Your Guide to seeing a Car Show – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

On almost any weekend somewhere in Australia there will be a park, playing field or cow paddock sparkling with perfectly-polished cars and a sign carrying the words ‘Car Show Today’. More than a million Australians own ‘special’ cars and a decent proportion will spend at least some of their lives, polishing, preparing and exhibiting their […]

Cars – Classic vs Modern Classic vs Vintage – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Readers who have been around since the 1970s or before will have witnessed continual movements in the value of vehicles we today know as ‘classics’. Before 1960, older cars would be described as ‘vintage’ or maybe ‘antique’. The term ‘classic’ didn’t become common until used in the titles of books and motoring magazines that catered […]

Where to find parts for Classic Cars – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Where Did You Get That Part?  Walk around a Display Day checking out the old and often rare vehicles and some self-appointed ‘expert’ will doubtless be heard to comment; “Imagine trying to find parts for that.” In days gone, parts shortages for older models could be an issue. Some remain tough to buy for however […]

Mini around wet track at Goodwood – Festival of Speed

How great is this mini around a wet track at Goodwood’s Festival of Speed. Thanks to Just Cars for posting on their Facebook page. Cheers Steve Hunter. https://business.facebook.com/festivalofspeed/videos/1876806622329662/?t=34

Salvage Rights Car Insurance – Enthusiast

The worst has just happened. Through no fault of your own the car you have washed, polished and cherished has been damaged and because parts are hard to find your insurer isn’t prepared to repair it. Worse still, if you want to chase down those parts and have the car repaired yourself, you need to […]