Enthusiast Motor Insurance

History of.. Relationship Between Music & Cars – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Ever since radios were fitted to cars back in the 1930s, music and motor vehicles have played a role in each other’s existence. FM radio came to vehicles in 1952, followed during the 1960s by tape players and William Lear’s 8-Track cartridge, then CD stackers, MP3 interfaces and Spotify. The sounds coming out of these […]

Muscle Car – 1971 Ford Falcon GTHO Phase 3 – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

It isn’t often that a car of any kind makes the evening news or gets several minutes of coverage on a range of current affairs programmes. However, it also isn’t every day that a car made in Australia sells for more than $1 million ($1,030,000 to be exact) or comes with fascinating history including links […]

Your Guide to seeing a Car Show – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

On almost any weekend somewhere in Australia there will be a park, playing field or cow paddock sparkling with perfectly-polished cars and a sign carrying the words ‘Car Show Today’. More than a million Australians own ‘special’ cars and a decent proportion will spend at least some of their lives, polishing, preparing and exhibiting their […]

Salvage Rights Car Insurance – Enthusiast

The worst has just happened. Through no fault of your own the car you have washed, polished and cherished has been damaged and because parts are hard to find your insurer isn’t prepared to repair it. Worse still, if you want to chase down those parts and have the car repaired yourself, you need to […]

What is a Vintage Car & Getting Insurance – Enthusiast

No one alive today will have owned a vintage-era car from brand new and very few would remember even riding in a new car built before 1930. That’s the internationally acknowledged cut-off year for a vehicle to be designated ‘Vintage’. Even more exclusive are Veteran models which need to have been built before 1 January […]

Insuring Modified Cars & What you need to know – Enthusiast

You can hear it in the voices of car owners whose attempts to complete an on-line quote have been foiled by an ominous message popping onto the screen. Usually it will read something like; ‘Vehicle Does Not Meet Underwriting Requirements, Please Contact Insurer’ and translate into ‘We Don’t Want Your Hot-Rod Here’. If the company […]

Insuring a Hot Rod or Street machine – Enthusiast

What do you do when older brothers or neighbours return from fighting a war in Europe and bring with them a nifty sports machine that makes your hand-me-down Model A look very old and sad? If you lived in late-1940s USA you lowered your Ford as far as the ancient chassis would allow, acquired a […]