Enthusiast Motor Insurance

Starting a Classic Car Project – Enthusiast Motor Insurance

In a changing world where some people need access to ready cash and others have more spare time than they can use, automotive ‘projects’ have been appearing for sale literally everywhere and selling well. Buying one of these sight unseen can be a risky endeavour, so do confine your choices if possible, to local vehicles […]

Why do Car Thefts Spike in Summer? – Enthusiast Motor Insurance

Statistics show that 60% of car thefts happen while a car is parked at home and that 20% of all car-related crime occurs in December and January.  That makes our Summer months the time we need to be more vigilant. Is that just because we are more relaxed or complacent over the Summer holidays? It […]

Classic Car Ownership – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Walk around a car show or club display day next weekend and a worrying trend will become apparent. Unless the club caters specifically to later models, there will still be row upon row of older models; maintained just as they were when new. However, what will be noticeably older are the owners, with younger people […]

Looking After Your Car in Winter – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

When looking at the hazards of summer-time motoring we think of traffic jams and overheating, the air-con failing on the hottest day of the year and car interiors crumbling due to intense heat. However, winter doesn’t do our four-wheeled friends any favours either. Cold weather means less sunlight, with more people starting and finishing their […]

History of the Chevrolet Camaro in Australia – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

A while back we took a look at the influence Ford’s latest Mustang is having on Australian car-buying choices. Now it’s the turn of General Motors’ Camaro to take up where the lamented HSV Commodore range left off and deliver old-style performance to a new audience. The Camaro was a car that from its earliest […]

History of the Mag Wheels – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Like a lot of elements available to industry, magnesium is pretty dangerous stuff.  However, over many years its wilder nature has been tamed to produce some special and very useful products. Magnesium, or ‘elektron’ as it is sometimes known, has been used commercially since the 19th Century and for automotive components – mainly in racing […]

History of the Ford Mustang in Australia – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Australia’s links to the Ford Mustang date back more than 50 years, back to when fearless racers led by Norm Beechey, Bob Jane and Ian Geoghegan imported Mustangs to contest the local Touring Car Championship. Ford Australia didn’t take long to conclude that people who had seen a Mustang win on Sunday might want to […]

Market Is Down, Could Be A Good Time To Buy

Figures released recently by the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) confirm what many in the motor industry had been fearing – a significant sales slump during 2018. However, given the massive restructuring that has been affecting the industry and various other economic factors, a 35,000 downturn on the record of 1,189,000 set in 2017 […]

Buying a Classic Sports Car – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Once upon a time and not very long ago, owning a sports car to use on weekends or warm summer night was considered an extravagance which few people could afford or justify. Add to that the perception that sports cars were noisy, draughty and leaked water through their ill-fitting hoods and it’s understandable that most […]

Preparing Your Classic Vehicle For a Long Trip – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Time off work, relatives to track down, picnics to be had and beaches to visit; the summer holidays are a great time of year. If you are reading this on www.enthusiast.com.au  then you probably already have an interesting car or two in the garage and holiday time is perfect for wheeling your special vehicle out […]