Enthusiast Motor Insurance

Looking After Your Car in Winter – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

When looking at the hazards of summer-time motoring we think of traffic jams and overheating, the air-con failing on the hottest day of the year and car interiors crumbling due to intense heat. However, winter doesn’t do our four-wheeled friends any favours either. Cold weather means less sunlight, with more people starting and finishing their […]

Car Swap Meet – What are they? – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

If you own an interesting motor vehicle you may well have trawled through the rows of someone else’s junk (punctuated by the occasional treasure) that define a typical automotive swap meet. A couple of hundred such events are staged every year throughout Australia. Most occur within or close to the nation’s most populated regions and […]

Buying a Classic or Unique Car at Auction – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

If you are one of the many who closely follow automotive auction sales, then you will have been busier than a one-armed barber during the past 12 months. All in a rush and close together we have seen several of Australia’s most significant collections of motor vehicles being broken up and sold. Vehicles going under […]

History of the Mag Wheels – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Like a lot of elements available to industry, magnesium is pretty dangerous stuff.  However, over many years its wilder nature has been tamed to produce some special and very useful products. Magnesium, or ‘elektron’ as it is sometimes known, has been used commercially since the 19th Century and for automotive components – mainly in racing […]

Market Is Down, Could Be A Good Time To Buy

Figures released recently by the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) confirm what many in the motor industry had been fearing – a significant sales slump during 2018. However, given the massive restructuring that has been affecting the industry and various other economic factors, a 35,000 downturn on the record of 1,189,000 set in 2017 […]

Buying a Classic Sports Car – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Once upon a time and not very long ago, owning a sports car to use on weekends or warm summer night was considered an extravagance which few people could afford or justify. Add to that the perception that sports cars were noisy, draughty and leaked water through their ill-fitting hoods and it’s understandable that most […]

Rules for Importing Cars Into Australia – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Look back 30 years through the eyes of anyone wanting to privately import a car to Australia and you will find a confusion of rules, requirements and prohibitions existing at Federal and State levels. At one stage there were seemingly no rules at all. The Northern Territory and ACT both welcomed cars of foreign manufacture […]

Your Guide to seeing a Car Show – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

On almost any weekend somewhere in Australia there will be a park, playing field or cow paddock sparkling with perfectly-polished cars and a sign carrying the words ‘Car Show Today’. More than a million Australians own ‘special’ cars and a decent proportion will spend at least some of their lives, polishing, preparing and exhibiting their […]

What is a Vintage Car & Getting Insurance – Enthusiast

No one alive today will have owned a vintage-era car from brand new and very few would remember even riding in a new car built before 1930. That’s the internationally acknowledged cut-off year for a vehicle to be designated ‘Vintage’. Even more exclusive are Veteran models which need to have been built before 1 January […]