Enthusiast Motor Insurance

Mini around wet track at Goodwood – Festival of Speed

How great is this mini around a wet track at Goodwood’s Festival of Speed. Thanks to Just Cars for posting on their Facebook page. Cheers Steve Hunter. https://business.facebook.com/festivalofspeed/videos/1876806622329662/?t=34

Low KM Insurance for SUV’s – Enthusiast

Arguments still rankle about which car company developed the ‘pickup’ or ‘utility’ and likewise there is no clear decision over whose design was the first ‘Sport Utility Vehicle’ or SUV. The terminology is very much American but the origins of vehicles that could carry multiple occupants and/or cargo takes us to Europe and in particular […]

Salvage Rights Car Insurance – Enthusiast

The worst has just happened. Through no fault of your own the car you have washed, polished and cherished has been damaged and because parts are hard to find your insurer isn’t prepared to repair it. Worse still, if you want to chase down those parts and have the car repaired yourself, you need to […]

History of Australian Car Industry – Pre and Post 1948 – Car Insurance From Enthusiast

Some people think that Australia’s automotive industry dates from 1948 when the first Holden was built. Not so. Australia began making motor vehicles when the Nation was still a conglomerate of British colonies. One of our automotive pioneers was Victorian Herbert Thomson, who in 1900 drove his steam-powered ‘horseless carriage’ from Sydney to Melbourne. History […]

What is a Vintage Car & Getting Insurance – Enthusiast

No one alive today will have owned a vintage-era car from brand new and very few would remember even riding in a new car built before 1930. That’s the internationally acknowledged cut-off year for a vehicle to be designated ‘Vintage’. Even more exclusive are Veteran models which need to have been built before 1 January […]